5 Characteristics of People Who Have Successful Mindset

Curious about the mindset of successful and wealthy people?

Mindset is the mental attitude of how we respond to conditions.

The end has an impact on action.

The mindset of success will produce actions to be successful and rich.

Want to have a mindset that makes you rich?

or do you stick with the stagnant and undeveloped mindset?

If you want to have a mindset of successful and wealthy people, let's continue reading.

Secrets of the Key to Successful and Rich People's Mindset

A professor Carol SDweck (Professor of Psychology at Stanford University) wrote a book entitled Mindset. Mindset in Indonesian is called mindset. The key to success in education, career, relationships, and business is growth.

Carol said, there are 2 types of mindset that are owned by humans, namely fixed (fixed) or growing (growth). He was sure, basically everyone could grow, be able to have new abilities and achievements. What distinguishes the two is only 1, namely belief.

so the secret of the mindset of successful and wealthy people is the belief that you can grow. You must be sure that tomorrow can be better than this.

The Prophet Muhammad ordered us to study until the end of our lives. this is proof that humans can grow, can develop, until the end of life. Not restricted by age. If humans cannot grow, why are they told to study?

Are you sure you can do better?

If you are sure. Good it means there is a chance that you can be a better, more successful, richer, more capable, more mature, more proactive, and moreover positive person.

The key is sure, that you can be better.

Then what about talent?

"What if my talent is stupid, it can't be this and that."

Talent is a controversy. Many people believe that someone is successful because he has talent. While those who have no talent, get ready to accept the reality of being a failure.

this belief causes many people to have a fixed mindset that does not develop and grow.

Is there really nothing that can be done because of talent?

I read a lot of self-development books, many experts and motivators said there was no such thing as talent. one example, he said no person was born with a "title" salesman. Born people are called babies only.

But because of learning and practicing someone can become a great salesman. so it's not a decisive talent, but whether we want to learn or not form ourselves into someone we want aka grow. Professor Carol is among those who believe, that we can do many things if we have mental growth.

in the book The Talent Code, it is clearly explained that with the right techniques and conditions, we can master various abilities. In this book, why do many Brazilians give birth to great footballers?

Not because talent turns out.

but because of the right method and environment for developing soccer skills. Around 1950, the Brazilian government implemented a policy that allowed children there to forge themselves into reliable footballers.

Then what about my thoughts? I believe in talent and I also believe that we grow. The difference is that talent is not a limiting reason, but talent gives us uniqueness.

I'm also sure, you can master certain skills, whatever it is, whether you are a talent or not, if you want to learn and practice it in the right way.

I have not been able to sing. not because I don't have the talent to sing, but because I used to believe I didn't have the talent to sing and never practiced singing.

It was my belief that caused me to never practice singing.

so do you if you believe you can't do business, then you will never learn to be a businessman. The key is confidence.

Today many methods and technologies have been developed, that you can master whatever skills you want, if you want to learn.

the key is the belief that you can grow, develop, and get better.

5 Characteristics of People Who Have Successful Mindset

Based on that person can grow, the characteristics of people who have a successful mindset will emerge. I will explain below so that we can evaluate whether we have a successful mindset or a failed mindset.

Attitudes towards Challenges

People who have a mindset to grow, they like challenges. They embrace challenges. because they believe that there is a challenge as an opportunity to boost their potential.

While people who have a mindset stagnate, always avoid challenges. He prefers what is normal and can.

Attitudes towards Obstacles

success mindset: have the patience to deal with it. He continues to look for ways, keep learning so he can overcome the obstacles.

The mindset failed: he gave up easily.

Attitudes towards Business

People who have a successful paradigm will see business as a path to mastery (mastery). he sees business as a process.

While people who have paradigms fail to see things that are not useful. He wants instant results, if necessary without effort.

Attitude towards spirituality

Positive thinking people will learn from spirituality as input. if criticism is intended to bring down, he is not affected. But if Kiritikan has a point, he takes lessons.

People who think negatively will sometimes reject or ignore criticism. He did not want to hear whatever input he could actually get. even if you hear, it actually makes you mentally shrinking, not learning.

Attitudes towards the Success of Others

People who have a mental attitude of success, see other people succeed, they will be happy. He instead made it a lesson and inspiration so he could be successful.

while people who have a negative attitude, he is even jealous, prejudiced, and wants to bring down successful people. He feels threatened that other people succeed and hate him.

How to Build a Success Mindset

Now we know what the mindset of successful people is. then how do you build a successful mindset so that we have it? How do you change your mindset to be positive? Or how to open a mindset?

Actually you have entered the initial stage, namely understanding. understand what a successful mindset is, then you have begun to embed it in your mind.

It's just that, if it's only one time read, the planting is still weak which might disappear easily in our minds. this is why many people who have read motivation books or participated in seminars, then sluggish again.

Repetition is the key to how we incorporate understanding into our subconscious mind. our actions will be in harmony with a certain mindset, if the mindset is embedded in our subconscious mind.

One of the easy and popular techniques there is repetition or affirmation or there are also those who call it with personal suggestions. This is an old technique, but it still works. if someone says it doesn't work anymore, the only way is wrong.

By reading this article or other articles about the mindset on this website, it has become the right step in shaping your success mindset.

Of course there are still other techniques, with the help of audio. lots of techniques. I have discussed a few simple techniques, do not need strange equipment. You can learn it in my ebook Beautiful Mind Power.

Between Not yet and Not

There are simple techniques that you can apply from now on, also applied to your children. not only do you have a growing mindset, but it's best to start being planted early.

You are an adult who can still grow, what happens if since a small growth mindset has been planted. children will be more intelligent, proactive, skilled, creative, independent, and will become successful people in the future. In syaa Allah.

One simple but effective technique that can be applied at this time is to familiarize the word "not yet" instead of the word no.

As an example:

"I can't math."

Then change to

"I can't get math."

The difference is not just the words "no" and "not yet", but has a deep meaning. The word "no" will form a fixed mindset. If you CANNOT, what have you done?

Different when we say no. this will form a growth mindset. If you can't, then study. If learning will be able.

Of course we can "not yet" apply it in an implied way. For example, when children or anyone does something but the results are not perfect, focus on success, not shortcomings.

"Wow, you can draw, great."

Even though the image is ugly. Don't look at the picture, but see that he has gone through the process and that we appreciate it. When we value the process, anyone will be excited by other processes.

if we comment, "your image is bad." maybe with the intention of giving input to make it even better. It's just that most people like to stop when they say it's bad, except people who already have a strong mindset of success.


we cultivate a growing mindset for ourselves, our families, and our employees. So that all have a successful mindset so that it becomes better.


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